Monday, November 20, 2006
I think jeremy deller thinks he is an iconoclast - first of all it's been done before mate and better - just cause you're not overtly political don't mean shit, you're still political cause you are making art and art is saying something and saying something is political. You are just a trendy version of someone else that might not even exist but the thought has existed before you a million times in a million people. The fact that you enter the turner prize and say it, makes you an idiot beyond comprehension. It makes what you say (and far more importantly what has been thought a million times before) a load of bollocks laughing stock thing. Which isn't fair because we need it, you've let it all been bought up and commodified - you've let the idea get bought up, now it's useless. I know you, at this stage your gonna click away from this webpage thinking bloody commie underground twat (you maybe right, i don't even know anymore) but I think you're wrong - I don't want to pretend anymore - I'm a capitalist, you are a capitalist lets just accept it. The commies are capitalist, except the thick ones that actually went along with it all. All anti-capitalism is, is being fed up about parking tickets - it equates to the same thing. I'm annoyed cause mcdonalds does this blablabla. Some guy over there is dieing of something - I care, I do actually care about people in africa dieing of something it upsets me that I've got all this stuff they've got nothing and they're dieing. it upsets me, but that doesn't make me a commie or a socialist or a anti capitalist. I'M A CAPITALIST PIG WANKER BUT I CARE ABOUT THE AFRICANS and shit. I CAN"T HELP BEING A CAPITALIST PIG WANKER.
  Jeremy Deller is the biggest dick head of them all.
Everyone is trying to be big and clever - even the ones who say : I'm not trying to be big and clever.

Everyone loves what they produce.

Everyone hates what everyone else produces.

Unless they use the fact that they like what other people produce to define they're own identity in which case they are produce they're own thing they curate their own thing they produce it, they love what they produce.

Everyone should just produce their own things.
Everyone is trying to be big and clever - even the ones who say : I'm not trying to be big and clever.

Everyone loves what they produce.

Everyone hates what everyone else produces.

Unless they use the fact that they like what other people produce to define they're own identity in which case they are produce they're own thing they curate their own thing they produce it, they love what they produce.

Everyone should just produce their own things.
Am I a neo-situationist?

answers on a post card.
I like bananas but I don't like melons - does that make me gay.

I hate post-modernists cause they're just bullshit artists - stop running away there is no use.
I don't want to be an artist - but there is too much baggage involved in being anything else.

We had this guy do a project at my uni (I won't name names). He said that he wasn't an artist - he was a visual practitioner - the word artist (he said) had too much baggage whereas visual practitioner didn't.

If you agree with him you are an idiot - or am I a capitalist pig for saying that.
Art is the only religion still taken seriously - and it is the most ridiculous one (nearly).

May be I should become an architect. bitchin' loads of money.
Multiples are shit, but mass production is good. At least we won't be hypocrits.
Maybe we all just revolt. Grass is always greener.
  The Reason Ronald Reagan Got into Power was the hippies.
I swear it is true, I saw a documentary that explained how he got into power. It said that he appealed to all these hippies that didn't want the state breathing down their backs.

Shit, those thick americans again.
I don't want to be an artist.

Its shit being an artist - it doesn't mean anything - your the biggest puppet of the system.

We're (artists) the biggest puppets of the system because we actually believe that we are not puppets of the system - how ridiculous is that. Everyone is a puppet of the system.

No one loves art, least of all me.

Artists loves success and praise - they're all the same: stock brokers, doctors, artists.

Maybe I should leave doctors out at least they save our lives when we need them to - after all i don't want to die: i have fun some of the time.

artists are arseholes because they actually believe they have something to say - at least everyone else realises that they've been told what to say and they just say it.

We as artists, try so fucking hard to say something that no one else has ever said, and then we realise that in fact its pointless because its all been said. There's a guy sitting there waiting for us to say something no one else has said and as soon as we do he turns us iinto a commodity - You can't say anything about anything that REALLY matters because they will just turn that into a commodity and it won't mean anything.

Does the existing system exists, are we all just individuals pursuing what individual humans tend to pursue.

Is this the system where there is no system.

hmmmm. I just don't know anymore.
Even Marcel Duchamp admits that he is no longer an iconoclast.

Is it possible to be an iconoclast, does everything end up being concumed by the exiting system.
  I'm not satisfied with the existing system.
I have, and other people have - misunderstood my work to be about 'issues' concerned with the third world etc. or about poverty. It is true that I am concerned to some extent with this. However I think now that this is just the signal to my overiding interest - I'm not sure what this is though.
Actually I'm going to come back to work that I've done in the past 2 months or so:
I want to walk around tate britain/national gallery/tate modern/hayward/cork street etc. clutching obsessively an african mask. I will have to dress as a tourist - preferably american.


Then I want to broadcast it on 'you tube' and then re-record it with a video camera to document it. I will ask a random a person as possible (without getting my camera nicked) to film the actual event/performance/happening/defecation/thing.


'Thing' is probably the best way to describe anything that I have done.
I have been reading the essays which are in the front of the book 3 - infinity : new multiple art, which is published by the arts council of Great Britain in 1970.


I want to stop destroying everything that I do.

I don't want to create multiples though.

The essays in front of this book:::::::

firstly make a mockery of multiples

secondly make a mockery of art

thirdly make it impossible to address either problem

??????????? HOWEVER ??????????????

I've got a big ego or at least am quite ambitious, and so , fuck you JANET DALEY, KARL GERSTNER, REYNER BANHAM, JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI, ANTHONY WEDGWOOD BENN and JOHN BERGER.

??????????? AN ASIDE ??????????????

I've met Anthony Wedgwood Benn - Tony Benn - I asked him whether politics was just this thing controlled by the media and wouldn't it be more important to elect the people that were in charge of the mass media or at least hold them to account. He didn't seem very interested in my question - I was 17 at the time.
First of all I have to make it clear that I haven't added anything to this blog for a number of months. I have decided now to begin again to record and document things that I do using this blog. There is a gap which I cannot be bothered to fill which is probably very important but I can't go backwards now. Also, this blog's remit now covers more than just a particular module of my course, it will encompass everything I do and think about which I feel is significant to the fact that I call myself an artist.

Location: London, United Kingdom
February 2006 / March 2006 / May 2006 / November 2006 /

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